Sunday, 6 November 2011


(Topshop Cosy Jumper and Boots, American Apparel Cord skirt, Wayfarer Raybans)
Photos taken by Austin Rhatigan

MOvember is here!!! My boyfriend has shaved his lovely beard off and is left with a stunning moustache (grosse!). I am dreading this month for so many hot yoga classes have been stopped due to flooding (thank you Irish crappy weather), trying to save for Christmas shopping and have too many college deadlines to count :( BUT on the upside its only 49 sleeps 'till Christmas and I'm super excited! I've put my Christmas list up on our notice board at home so that I'm sure I wont be throwing tantrums on Christmas morning! And I have of course written my Christmas shopping list. I LOVE buying gifts! Pics taken today at my faaavourite shopping destination: AVOCA Handweavers. Its the perfect day out - delicious food, clothes, books and pretty itty-bitty-things. Booking our flights for New Years Eve this week also - London here we come :) Already have my dress ordered. Going to be a fabulous Christmas season.....

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